Professional Diagnosis

Providing indiviudalized treatments based on traditional means of diagnosis

Herbal Remedy 草藥治療

Herbal treatments for many conditions 草藥可以治愈很多疾病

Acupuncture 針刺

Acupuncture for Multi range of conditions 針刺療法可以治愈很多疾病

Tuina Massage 推拿

Tuina can help stimulate the flow of vital energy throughout the body and cure many conditions. 推拿可以改善機體的氣血運行從而治愈很多疾病

Treatment 主治

  • Cancer Treatment 腫瘤

    We aid in detecting and monitoring your body to prevent cancer. We provide supplement natural treatments to support surgery, chemo and radiation therapies. We provide holistic and natural therapies for strengthening the immune system, reducing or deactivating cancer cells, preventing and minimize metastasis or recurrence. We improve the quality of life for cancer patients, prolonging their

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  • Instant Pain Relief 治痛

    To heal naturally, using holistic treatments, superior prevention techniques – and remove root cause of pain. To improve the circulation, reduce the swelling, clean the infection, and boost the bodies self-healing function. Here are several different natural therapies that are part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, all of which can be used to help treat pain…

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  • Kidney Disease 腎病

    From the perspective of Chinese medicines, renal failure is caused by ischemia and hypoxia in the kidneys due to various reasons and the formation of renal fibrosis and scarring. Chinese medicine is another treatment option besides dialysis and kidney transplant. Here is a brief introduction of Chinese medicine treatment for renal failure…
    中醫對腎和腎病的認識,最早見於《黃帝內經》。近兩千五百年來,經歷代醫家 不懈探索和總結,取得了治療腎病特別是疑難腎病的特殊功效,并且從理論到實踐形成了對腎病認識和臨床技術的獨立性和完整性。

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  • Quitting Addictions 戒癮

    The use of auricular therapy in treating addiction withdrawal stimulates areas including the sympathetic nervous system, which regulates nervous tension, anxiety and depression, and helps control the cravings of addictions. It has allowed thousands of patients to reduce their dose of prescribed medication and has reduced and alleviated addiction dependencies.

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