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  • Kidney Disease 腎病

    According to Chinese medicine, renal failure is caused by ischemia and hypoxia in the kidneys due to various reasons such as the formation of renal fibrosis and scarring.

    Chinese medicine is a great alternative to dialysis and kidney transplants. Although it is not as popular in the western hemisphere it has proven to be effective, and it excels at the following:

    Repairing damaged renal tissues

    Chinese medicine can remove heat, toxins, blood clots, and promote circulation. It can improve micro-circulation in atrophic and necrotic renal tissues. This improves renal metabolism and helps repair damaged renal cells.

    Improving kidney functions and GFR

    Chinese medicine can provide more blood, oxygen and nutrition for new renal cells to grow which helps rebuild renal structure and renal functions.

    Delaying and preventing dialysis and kidney transplant

    When renal functions and GFR are improved, urine output gets increased so patients can delay and reduce the need for dialysis or a kidney transplant. This will also help minimize the side effects of dialysis.

    Lowering serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen

    When renal functions are improved, excessive creatinine, urea nitrogen and other metabolic wastes will naturally be discharged out of the blood. What is more, patients will no longer need to worry about the relapse and blood urea nitrogen.