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  • Instant Pain Relief 治痛



    To heal naturally, using holistic treatments, and remove root cause of pain. To improve the circulation, reduce the swelling, clean the infection, and boost the bodies self-healing function.

    Different therapies of traditional Chinese medicine are used to treat pain.


    Acupuncture is the process of inserting and manipulating needles into specified points on the body. Acupuncture can unblock Qi, or vital energy by allowing the Qi to flow freely. This allows the body’s own healing mechanisms to take over to heal and prevent disease.

    Auricular Therapy

    Auricular Medicine treats diseases through specific points on the ears mainly by seed-pressing, acupuncture and massage. It is convenient, natural, painless, quick and effective. Auricular Medicine is quickly becoming more and more popular in North America.

    Medical Qigong

    Like regular Qigong, Medical Qigong uses the cultivation of Qi to restore health.

    These healing therapies have been practiced in the East for centuries and they are catching on in the Western world now. They help heal and manage the pain associated with chronic medical issues but they can do so without the side effects that are often associated with pain medication. These therapies are not meant to be a replacement for traditional Western medicine. In many cases, medical intervention is required. However, one may find that, when such therapies are included as a compliment to traditional medical care, the need for medication is decreased. The underlying causes of illness and pain are dealt with so that management of symptoms does not have to be the only option. Toss the pills and try some of these Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments instead. You may be surprised at just how much better you feel!